Le Saviez-Vous ? L’Histoire Fascinante des 'Couramiauds'

Did You Know? The Fascinating History of the 'Couramiauds'

Saint-Chamond, the charming town that is home to The Black Cat Emporium, has a rich and intriguing history, closely linked to our feline friends. But do you know why the inhabitants of Saint-Chamond are called Couramiauds ? The answer dates back to the Middle Ages.

The Cats of Saint-Chamond: Protectors Turned Prey

During the plague, cities across Europe were struggling to prevent the spread of the disease, which was often transmitted by rats. In Saint-Chamond, an ingenious solution was implemented: the city encouraged the proliferation of cats to drive out rodents and limit the spread of the plague.

However, this strategy worked too well: the feline population exploded and the town was overrun with cats. Once the threat of the plague was over, the inhabitants began to hunt them to reduce their numbers. This is how the expression "Cours à miau" ("to run after cats") was born, which is said to have evolved into Couramiaud , the nickname still used today to refer to the inhabitants of Saint-Chamond.

A Darker Past

In addition to their role in fighting epidemics, cats were also victims of local superstitions. In the Middle Ages, black cats were often associated with witchcraft and bad luck. During Midsummer celebrations, a bonfire was lit to symbolize purification and renewal. Unfortunately, some historical accounts report that these bonfires were also used to eliminate excess cats.

From Superstition to a Symbol of Charm

While the origins of the Couramiaud nickname are tied to a darker past, today, Saint-Chamond celebrates its feline heritage in a much more positive way. The Black Cat Emporium, inspired by this local history, highlights the magic, mystery and charm of cats—without superstition!

Next time you're walking the streets of Saint-Chamond, take a moment to appreciate its unique history. And if you hear a meow echoing in the distance, remember: you're in Couramiaud land! 🖤🐾

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